
Our Mission

For many of us, the digital world has become a sixth sense regardless of the field, a new way of working.

By integrating human experience, passion and intelligence with new digital technologies, our mission is to build trustworthy partnerships with our customers, beyond financial services.

Together we will embark on the journey of digital transformation.

Our Name

The APEX Team comes from Accounting & Payroll EXperts and reflects the idea that united us from the beginning, respectively a team of professionals in the field of accounting, payroll and taxation.

Our History

The APEX team was born in 2004, at the initiative of an enthusiastic group of consultants to offer professional services in the field of accounting, taxation and payroll, by leveraging personal experience and qualities. Our customers say about us that we are friendly, open and fair and that still defines us today.

The beginning was measured, but full of the impetus of the freedom to develop services as best we knew. We set out to keep everything that was good from what we had seen and worked to improve other aspects to create our own identity.

Success at APEX came through work, passion and work again. APEX Team is a fully independent entity, and we realized that the major advantage in business development was the team, which ensured a mix of skills, involvement and desire to succeed.

Over the 18 years of existence, APEX Team has gone through many experiences that have defined our work style. We also had difficult times, which brought new perspectives that later contributed to the improvement of the services offered.


APEX’s development strategy is provided by a team of Partners and Managers, with a mix of skills and professional qualifications.

We invest in ourselves and have been invested with the trust of over 1,000 clients we have worked with over time.

Our development plans aim to achieve the rating of excellence in financial services and attitude for our business partners.

Cristina Georgescu


Ioana Bădescu


Mădălina Radu


Roxana Roman


Ileana Maranca


Ramona Mușa

Senior Manager

Accounting & Tax Department

Petre Marcu

Senior Manager

HR & Payroll Department

Mirela Ștefănescu

Senior Manager

Accounting & Tax Department

Cristina Jurubiță


Accounting & Tax Department

Laurenţiu Crângașu


HR & Payroll Department

Elena Jelea


Accounting & Tax Department

Maria-Alexandra Bănică


Accounting & Tax Department

Violeta Frâncu


Accounting & Tax Department

Our business card is an exceptional team and an extensive portfolio of satisfied customers.

In addition to professionalism, the key factors that contributed to the development were and remain dedication and flexibility, the need to work close to the client and get to know his business. Our team’s experience allows us and helps us anticipate the needs of our partners, thus exceeding the boundaries of a simple financial service.

APEX Team is accredited by ACCA at the highest “Platinum” employer level.

APEX is a member of the Body of Chartered and Authorized Accountants of Romania (CECCAR), the Chamber of Tax Consultants (CCF) and the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR). We are also an active member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham) and the Franco-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFER).

Are you looking for a business partner?

Social Responsability

Our belief is that sport plays a very important role in society due to its transformative potential. It is an essential element for the lives of children and young people because it offers benefits in the field of health and education.

It helps them understand the benefits of a long-term active life.

That is why we have chosen to support the activity of sports associations that promote sports among children and that have programs designed to make them enjoy the movement.


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Cristina Georgescu


FCCA, Expert Contabil și Consultant Fiscal cu peste 24 ani de experiență. Având o fire practică, anticipează nevoia clienților și îi ajută pe aceștia în luarea deciziilor. Abilitatea, optimismul, flexibilitatea și atenția cu care gestionează fiecare client în parte, fac din Cristina un partener de încredere pentru clienți.

Iona Bădescu


Expert Contabil și Auditor Financiar cu peste 24 ani de experiență. Pasionată de lucrul cu clienții si implicată în multiple misiuni de creare și implementare de proceduri și procese contabile, Ioana oferă soluții financiar contabile optime, adaptate nevoilor clienților. Este profesionistul pe care te poți baza pentru un lucru bine făcut.

Cristina Georgescu


FCCA, Expert Contabil și Consultant Fiscal cu peste 24 ani de experiență. Având o fire practică, anticipează nevoia clienților și îi ajută pe aceștia în luarea deciziilor. Abilitatea, optimismul, flexibilitatea și atenția cu care gestionează fiecare client în parte, fac din Cristina un partener de încredere pentru clienți.

Ioana Bădescu


Expert Contabil și Auditor Financiar cu peste 24 ani de experiență. Pasionată de lucrul cu clienții si implicată în multiple misiuni de creare și implementare de proceduri și procese contabile, Ioana oferă soluții financiar contabile optime, adaptate nevoilor clienților. Este profesionistul pe care te poți baza pentru un lucru bine făcut.

Mădălina Radu


Expert Contabil, Consultant Fiscal și Auditor Financiar cu peste 24 ani de experiență. Cu o gândire analitică și structurată, Mădălina este mereu informată și deschisă să împărtășească din experiența și cunoștințele acumulate, precum și să găsească soluții de eficientizare.

Roxana Roman


FCCA și Expert Contabil cu peste 25 de ani de experiență, acumulată inclusiv în cadrul BIG 4, în domeniul auditului companiilor din diverse industrii. Vă puteți baza pe un partener de încredere pentru îmbunătățirea aspectelor de raportare financiară și control intern ale afacerii dumneavoastră.

Ileana Maranca


Consultant de business cu experiență diversă dobândită atât în management financiar și consultanță cât și în antreprenoriat. Ileana a fost CFO și membru în Consiliul de Administrație  al unei companii lider în industria media după ce a condus misiuni de audit și consultanță în Big 4. Experiența îi oferă lejeritate în configurarea sau reconfigurarea sistemelor de management și control ale companiilor, oferind soluții personalizate clienților.

Cristina Georgescu


FCCA, Chartered Accountant and Tax Consultant with more than 24 years of experience. Having a practical nature, she anticipates the need of the clients and helps them in making decisions. The ability, optimism, flexibility and attention with which each client is managed makes Cristina a trusted partner.

Ioana Bădescu


Chartered Accountant and Financial Auditor with over 24 years of experience. Passionate about working with clients and having an active presence in many assignments to create and implement accounting procedures and processes, Ioana provides optimal financial accounting solutions, tailored to customer needs. She is the professional you can count on for a well-done job.

Mădălina Radu


Chartered Accountant, Tax Consultant and Financial Auditor with over 24 years of experience. With an analytical and structured thinking, Madalina is always informed and open to share the experience and knowledge gained, as well as to find efficiency solutions.

Roxana Roman


FCCA and Chartered Accountant with over 25 years of experience, also gained within BIG 4, in the field of auditing companies in various industries. You can rely on a responsible partner to improve the financial reporting and internal control aspects of your business.

Ileana Maranca


Business consultant with diverse experience gained in both financial management and consulting, and entrepreneurship. Ileana was a CFO and a member of the Board of Directors of a leading company in the media industry after conducting audit and consulting missions in Big 4. Experience gives her ease in configuring or reconfiguring company management and control systems, offering customized solutions to customers.