Accounting and tax assistance

This kind of service is especially suitable in cases where the client already has his own financial-accounting team and wants the expert to intervene in the phase of validation of the treatments applied and certification of accounting and tax reports.

This is the solution also chosen in the case of companies that begin with a full outsourcing, but the development of their activity leads to the need for an internal accounting department, which will solve the daily requirements of information and documents, and the expert intervenes in the most important phases of verification and certification of results.

Accounting and tax assistance can be performed on a continuous, recurring basis, or only on-demand, occasionally.

Why us?

Together with APEX you will find flexibility, a professional and friendly attitude, a team that understands your needs

To all this an experience of over 25 years in accounting, taxation, payroll, audit and management consulting services is added.

If you are an individual professional, an NGO, a small business with big dreams, a medium or large company, a local company or an international presence, we have a team that can help you.

The major benefits of collaborating with APEX are:

Our services are centered around getting to know your business and what you want to achieve.

Because we care about your business and your success, all of our clients are treated independently, so that we craft a bespoke, tailored service to fit your requirements.

Cristina Georgescu


FCCA, Expert Contabil și Consultant Fiscal cu peste 24 ani de experiență. Având o fire practică, anticipează nevoia clienților și îi ajută pe aceștia în luarea deciziilor. Abilitatea, optimismul, flexibilitatea și atenția cu care gestionează fiecare client în parte, fac din Cristina un partener de încredere pentru clienți.

Iona Bădescu


Expert Contabil și Auditor Financiar cu peste 24 ani de experiență. Pasionată de lucrul cu clienții si implicată în multiple misiuni de creare și implementare de proceduri și procese contabile, Ioana oferă soluții financiar contabile optime, adaptate nevoilor clienților. Este profesionistul pe care te poți baza pentru un lucru bine făcut.